

Birkenhead College provides homestay accommodation for International Students. Most choose this option, however it is possible for students to stay with a Designated Caregiver. Birkenhead College is a signatory to the Ministry of Education Code of Practice. Under this code, students must not live in a boarding establishment or independently. 


All within walking distance or short bus ride to school, our Host families are an integral part of our International Student experience. The families have regular contact with our Homestay Coordinator who ensures they meet the Code of Practice Accommodation requirements. We recommend homestay as the best form of accommodation for students to allow them to immerse in the New Zealand lifestyle. Our families welcome students into their homes to be a part of their family and often long term friendships are formed as a result.For information on living in homestay please refer to the Student Homestay Guidelines link below.


A Designated Caregiver is chosen by parents to care for their child while they are in New Zealand. Usually this is a family member or friend. Parents and Designated Caregivers must complete a separate form to assign responsibility of care. As part of the Code of Practice, School must approve the home and carry out checks to ensure the home is suitable for the child.

Forms for Student Homestay Registration and Designated Caregiver are within the Application Form. ​​​​​​​

Please email our Homestay Coordinator, Nataliya Novak, here if you think you might be interested in hosting an International Student